Tag: Bienvendo

The Eagle and the Condor: From the Sao Paulo Forum to the Puebla Group
January 7, 2020 International Affairs,Latest,News Column,RNHA News Articles Juan Vega

Several countries in Latin America underwent political unrest in 2019. Violent protests in Chile, the electoral fraud of Evo Morales in Bolivia and more scarcity and repression in Venezuela. We also saw the arrival of new left-wing governments in Argentina, with Alberto Fernández, and Manuel López Obrador in Mexico. All indications are that this is

The First Lady Melania Trump Spends Her Holiday Time with Children
January 2, 2020 Local Politics,RNHA News Articles,Trump,White House Rosanna Gonzales

The First Lady Melania Trump spent her holiday season the place she spends the majority of her time, exclusively with the children. Mrs. Trump is involved with children’s hospitals visiting sick children. The First Lady Mrs. Trump’s cause is the “Be Best” campaign focused on the wellbeing of children. This is especially true during this

America Cleans Up The Streets
November 6, 2019 Local Politics,RNHA News Articles Rosanna Gonzales

Americans have recently taken it upon themselves to begun to be the change they want to see. Various states in America have participated in doing their part to clean up America. Cities in America have been criticized by media, citizens, and our President for becoming breeding grounds for sickness and diseases due to the amount