November 28, 2020 Comments Off on OUR JUDEO-CHRISTIAN FOUNDATIONS ARE THE CORNERSTONE OF OUR AMERICAN HISTORY Faith, Local Politics, Op-Ed, RNHA News Articles Diane Rivera López

In the great words of Former President Ronald Reagan, we remember one of his most prevalent quotes:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We did not pass it to our children through the bloodstream. It must be fought for and handed on for them to do the same.”

If there was ever a time where calls to action such as this one were needed, it is now. We are at a precipice of a failing system that has birthed not only a fatherless generation, but one who did not know their founding forefathers.  As generations of a changing America pass through the halls of our Universities, many are indoctrinated by modern reading assignments rather than taught with history books.

Unconscionable claims against our history and forefathers do not align to the personal writings of these exemplary men, who believed that freedom was the basis for all truth. As we research across the internet, we will find an array of misleading information. If one hopes to ever see a revival of our original foundations, we must begin by promoting the truth and the ability to maintain our freedom to do so.

In the historical records of the original writings, we find that most, if not all of our Founding Fathers were of Christian faith, men who were inspired by the living Word of God in the forming and establishment of America.  Of the 56 Signers of the Constitution, 29 of the signers of the Constitution held Degrees from what today would be Seminaries or Bible Schools.  

The freedom to maintain ourselves as true Americans, must be preserved in our identity and defined in all generations. Many media outlets, activists, and journalists have been recruited to the dismantling of American History in an effort to establish a new reprogramming of the system and its people. We cannot allow them to rewrite history for different personal gains.

It has become clear that the cornerstone of our American character is being misrepresented to progress a misguided disdain of the very Country we claim and seek to prosper in.  The progressive persuasion to change America will fall flat as long as we protect the historical integrity of our Judeo-Christian foundations.   

About The Author
Diane Rivera López Diane Rivera López was born and raised in the heart of Midtown Manhattan. As an American – Puerto Rican her extended family has now grown into 8 different Nationalities. Her calling into Ministry began in 1996, where she became a Church leader. She then became a director and writer in Trumpet Tract Ministry, where thousands of tracts were printed and sent across several Nations. She is a community advocate and has served as a community chaplain and evangelist, she has coordinated events, conferences, and outreach services and has taught at prisons and rehabilitation programs. As a speaker she has been interviewed by national T.V programs and news networks as she also had her own T.V Program. As an activist for domestic violence, she works towards creating awareness and sharing her own powerful testimony. She has worked along recognized ministries such as Christian Radio Vision International, Parada del Niño Cristiano, Subete al Arca Christian Magazine, Premios Redención, La Universidad Cristiana and Alerta T.V Network Channel 463 Verizon. Her greatest accomplishment is said to be her experiences and revelations ranging from the Millennium, the Rapture, and the Kingdom of God and is presently working on writing her first book. She studied Communications at BMCC and has credits towards her Bachelor’s in Theology. Following a passion to write, she has written 5 blogs and is a columnist for Al Rojo News, a secular newspaper. Is currently a Primerica Financial Services Representative. In 2013, she was the Deputy Campaign Manager for Mayoral Candidate Erick Salgado, who ran as a Conservative in NY, leaving her position as County Committee Member for the Democratic Party. Her devotion to Conservative Principals has catapulted her to join the National Republican Hispanic Assembly as a Journalist since 2019 and is presently bestowed with the privilege and responsibility to be the Press Secretary for the RNHA of N.Y.