Victoria Garica Wins San Fernando City Council Race

Victoria Garica Wins San Fernando City Council Race
April 20, 2024 Comments Off on Victoria Garica Wins San Fernando City Council Race Local Politics, Op-Ed, RNHA News Articles Robert Cross

RNHA-CA ambassador Victoria Garica won the San Fernando City Council position in a special election on Super Tuesday. Garica won the election with 41.6% of the vote against Syliva Ballin who had 32.6% and Sean M. Rivas who had 25.8%. At the end of Super Only 29% of eligible voters voted in the election for city council with an approximate total of 12,000 votes. The victory surprised the left expecting the former mayoral candidate Syliva Ballin to win.

Political pundits on the left are scrambling to figure out how Victoria Garica won the San Fernando City Councilwoman seat left by the death of Cindy Montez. The woke left is decrying the victory as the rise of the far right and fascism in the San Fernando Valley. They emphasize the role of the Los Angeles Hispanic Republican Club and the SVF Alliance in endorsing Victoria Garia and her ability to mobilize the ” religious right” and local Hispanics.

However, when you look at the promises she made for her first 100 days in office any sensible person would vote for her.  Councilwoman Garica promised the people in San Fernando that she would increase the number of Police Department Staff to address public safety concerns and address the growing transportation concerns of the citizens. This would be a powerful message for any candidate. After all, governments exist to ensure that all individuals’ rights and persons are protected. Victoria Garica heard the concerns of the people and responded with reasonable solutions to their problems. 

Councilwoman Garica got support in the election from SVF Alliance because of her faith in God, her strong stance against Drag storytime, and her support of parental rights. Garica said this about Drag storytime, ” I don’t think parents have to accept the premise for the event is okay.” SVF Alliance has a massive network of parental rights and activist groups who work with them to advocate for conservative values at school board meetings.

The reason that Garica got support from so many different groups, parents, Hispanics, and Christians is that she heard the plight of the people and then responded to their grievances with reasonable actions and solutions. Hispanics do not want woke agendas they want their children and families safe, a strong economy, and a family-oriented education. Garica heard the concerns of her constituents and formed a plan to address them like any effective leader would. Hispanics do not care about abstract ideals; they want to 

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly would like to extend our congratulations to the RNHA-CA ambassador Victoria Garica for her victory. We wish you luck in your future campaigns and races. 



About The Author
Robert Cross Robert Cross is Spaniard and Cuban on his mother’s side. He started his career in public service serving in local ministries that provided education assistance to K-12 students in San Bernardino County, and work rehabilitation for ex-convicts, veterans, disabled individuals and refugees. He has been published in Borgen Project Magazine, Borgen Project Blog, RNHA News. Robert Cross earned a Master’s degree in Public Policy and International Affairs from Liberty University and a Bachelors degree in History from California State University of San Bernardino.