Author: Paul Lott

NIH Studies Show the Dangers of Abortion
December 13, 2022 Local Politics,RNHA News Articles Paul Lott

The data on deaths from legal and illegal abortions tell a different story than the popular narrative on abortion would suggest. According to an 8-year study published by the National Institute of Health, women who aborted a child had a 154 percent higher risk of death from suicide, an 82 percent higher risk of death

Progressive Policies Hurt Impoverished Americans
June 8, 2022 Op-Ed,RNHA News Articles Paul Lott

A Simple Example Imagine a town where the baker made twelve loaves of bread a week. Ten of the loaves were sold each week to ten workers from the town factory who earned four dollars per week each. They all felt they were paying a fair price and happily paid it.   The town happened

Office Work is Killing America
June 7, 2022 Business,Economy,Op-Ed,RNHA News Articles Paul Lott

Before you object, let me explain.  Remember when the Keystone Pipeline was shut down? President Biden offered America the simplest solution for all those high paying jobs lost. The workers can simply become programmers. Problem solved, but could they? Would they even want to?    How the US Lost Manufacturing Jobs Progressives have told us

Inflation Is Only Part of the Problem
May 30, 2022 Economy,RNHA News Articles Paul Lott

The economic pain of everyday Americans is much worse than the inflation number. Inflation is a measure of the overall increase in the prices of goods or services across our economy. This means that the dollar is losing value. The bottom line is the same money buys less and less. The government estimates the rate

Focus on Feelings is Destroying America
May 30, 2022 Economy,Op-Ed,RNHA News Articles Paul Lott

When I decided to run for Congress in Virginia’s 10th District, I was not prepared for much of what I have encountered. I left the race because I thought it more important to continue the fight for parent’s rights, but I took a major lesson from politics.  Feelings are destroying America. I said it. The

Reflection on Gun Violence
May 30, 2022 Faith,Op-Ed,Uncategorized Paul Lott

During the earlier part of my life, I grew up under very poor circumstances. In elementary school, I spent time in Birmingham, Alabama in a 99% Black part of the city. The poverty-stricken black community was the majority with a small sprinkle of lower middles class. The schools were terrible, and streets were violent. However,

Data Proves That White Privilege is a Myth
December 4, 2021 Local Politics,RNHA News Articles Paul Lott

If America is racist, why is it that if you were born white and poor between 1959 and 2018, you were 3 times more likely to remain poor than a black child born in the same period? Let that sink in for a minute. Though not as dramatic, a white child born in America also

Americans Were never Racist
November 3, 2021 Local Politics,Op-Ed Paul Lott

My son had a really close Asian friend named Chris. One day, a bunch of white kids decided to start a fight with Chris and my son. Chris took a martial arts pose. The trouble-making kids got nervous and left. After those kids left, Chris and my son came home and told me the story.