Hispanic Heritage Spotlight

Hispanic Heritage Spotlight
September 16, 2019 No Comments » Hispanic Heritage Month, History, Latest, Press Releases, RNHA News Articles RNHA NEWS

Foremost, Daniel is a Christian, a family man and a passionate defender of the American dream – he is a tireless champion for economic freedom and a defender of the individual rights enumerated in America’s Founding Charters.


Hispanic culture means a spirit of service to others (especially the vulnerable, the outcast and the least of us) resiliency of will in the face of adversity, a reverence to God Everlasting, and appreciation of our heritage and love of country.


I have heard from many who would be considered left-off-center that they are willing to hold off-the-record conversations about ways we can work together to arrive at a policy consensus because our organization is trusted to remain confidential, and they know our real motive is to find positive solutions on behalf of the Latino community. Not all Latinos on the Left feel that way, but I feel honored each time I hear it from many who do.


“To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves. Nothing is often a better thing to say,” Will Durant.


In most cases, those of us who are engaged in public policy are often a very few. As such, it is critical we show our community – those who are following our lead – how to be effective and productive advocates. We must endeavor to model the best way, to be always civil and respectful. It has been my experience that focusing on policy in a bipartisan spirit, speaking truth to power and insisting we hold honest discussions about difficult themes is preferable to confrontation, disparaging others and driving dishonest narratives for political self-interest.


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