Love Life: California, Celebrates Week Forty with Prayer

Love Life: California, Celebrates Week Forty with Prayer
December 5, 2022 Comments Off on Love Life: California, Celebrates Week Forty with Prayer RNHA News Articles Rosanna Gonzales

Southern California nearly eight-hundred Californians gathered together with many Pro-Life leaders and Christian pastors from around the state for the Love Life Week 40 ‘Celebrate Life’ Prayer Walk in Pomona, California on Saturday, November 12th, 2022. The Love Life organization of SocCal Pomona hosted the event at Pomona Christian Fellowship. Representative Steven Paez and Pastor Ron Rose of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills co-hosted the event.


At 8:30 am, vehicles began to line the streets as hundreds of families, citizens, organizations, and leaders from around the state came together to worship, pray and be a voice for the numerous unborn children. The organizations that participated in the event included Choices Women’s Resource Center, Options A Women’s Care Center, Restored Life, Deeper Still Inland Empire, Modern Adoption, Adoption Answer Resource Center of America, and Turning Point USA Faith.

At 9 o’clock the people cheered as Guest Speaker Seth Gruber of, The White Rose Resistance organization took the stage with an inspiring and revitalizing message. Seth shared his real-life experiences and gave biblical encouragement to Californians to take a stand against abortions and join the fight to save the lives of unborn babies. Mr. Gruber read James chapter 1:27 from the Bible to explain the biblical view of life in the womb. Gruber said 

“The Bible says to care for orphans and widows in their distress, why is the orphan so close to the heart of our father? That’s an important question to ask, how about this? , because their life is in danger because their parents are dead. So, how much more should we care about the orphan in the womb whose life is in danger because his parents want him dead.” he said. The crowd clapped and spoke out with shouts of “Amen” and “that’s right”.

At 9:30 am, He wrapped up the first part of his message with a prayer, afterwards a representative from Love Life came up to recite with the crowd the Love Life oath. Seth Gruber gathered with the people for the prayer walk across the street, to Pray over the buildings where abortions are known to occur. Hundreds of people began lining up to peacefully walk with their strollers and children, there were teenagers present along with the elderly, and every age group was represented. During the walk, some of the crowd began weeping as they prayed and stood together and sang a few worship songs around the building.

Leaders from various groups and churches stood with signs to offer prayer and counseling all were standing close by the building in case anyone nearby needed assistance. The event was well coordinated with the local police and the organization’s security team assisted the people.

At about 10 o’clock the people came back to the church to pray and worship once again. A few younger women gathered on stage to share their personal life stories and positive experiences choosing to keep their babies. They shared memorable moments they had with the Love
Life organization and other churches and groups.

Leaders were also present who played a significant role in helping to encourage young women and men to become Christians and parents. The young women and men thanked everyone for their sacrifices, services, and ministry by reaching out to young mothers and fathers. Others spoke and shared about their need for healing from abortion from the past and how God has changed their hearts and set them free now from the guilt, pain, and shame they once had. Seth Gruber closed out the event with a short speech to the people and he concluded it with a challenge to the people to speak up and stand up for the unborn babies who cannot speak for themselves.

Mr. Gruber closed out the event with his famous quote telling the people “Now go out there, and give them Heaven” Seth Gruber is a Christian Conservative Pro-Life advocate from California who grew up around the issues of pregnancy and abortion, his mother was a director for a pregnancy center in Los Angeles, California.

Seth Gruber seeks to equip this generation of Conservatives and Christians to make a persuasive case in the public, for life and to lovingly engage with others about what the Bible and God have said regarding the morality of a baby’s life as well as how Christians should respond to issue of abortion. “We’re here to live differently today, to give God a reason to show California
mercy.” – Seth Gruber

The crowd all agreed, clapped,  celebratedbrated in response. Seth Gruber is making waves in today’s society and Christian community; you can follow him on his podcast UnAborted for more information and engagement with the Pro-Life movement. The life of unborn bhass have recently become the newest victims of the Leftist Democrat policies in California. The state has become a leading movement with pro-choice legislation for abortions due to Governor Gavin Newsom being overtly outspoken on the subject. Many Californians, organi, ations and churches have raised concern over the Democrat party policies and propositions surrounding the safety, s,anctity and life of unborn babies in the state and across the country.

Those present at the event held a deep reservation for the sanctity of life. During the last Mid- Term elections Californ,ia voters were faced with extreme Leftist policy regarding the life of unborn babies, due to the Democrat party’s proposal of Proposition one. In short, Proposition one would allow any late-term abortions for whatever reason up until the moment of a baby’s birth. Many Californians believe this proposal is too aggressive against unborn babies inside and outside the womb. Several Republican candidates in California running for office, church,es and organizations such as Real Impact an organization for Christian believers, took a stance to campaign against these extreme Leftist proposals.

Real Impact provides education and information for citizen voters on legislation in their state. They specifically provided information for voters regarding proposition one requesting that they seek to save babies. Some of their campaigns stated a “Vote No on Prop 1” and “ Stop Prop 1” message. Christians and Catholics have always been a huge voice for valuing life, and seeking to help save the lives of unborn babies
with the Pro-Life movement.

Many Californians across the state firmly believe more Pastors, churches, and Leadership in the state should become more vocal in their stance regarding the sanctity of life as well as the lives of babies, children, and future generations. Pastors across the state have spoken out on the issue such as Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.

Pastor Jack has stood before California leaders and boards to share his personal experience of nearly being aborted and his passion for saving unborn babies. Pastor Jack believes life begins at conception, “the moment someone is conceived, on a molecular level that’s a human being, all the data is there, the science is there, all the biology and chemistry is there. The question comes down to us playing God” he explains. He also states that “we should never terminate life for convenience, we should never terminate life for policy,” this belief is also shared by many on the right, Republicans, Conservatives, Christians, and Catholics. “We should never terminate life for convenience, we should never terminate life for policy” – Jack Hibbs

The Pro-Life Movement continues to grow because people see it as a sacred duty to protect the life of the unborn. During the year many pro-life offices were attacked and pro-life leaders are being targeted for crimes. Amidst the growing violence toward the pro-life movement in California, the Love Life organization is mobilizing Christians, Pastors, and Churches across the nation.

In over 6 years they have seen 130K people become mobilized across America, joining in prayer walks, 600+ churches partnering with them in the fight for the lives of unborn babies, and 4K families saved. They exist with the hope of helping transform the culture of the church of Jesus Christ into the number one community many can come to in the fight to keep life sacred in America.


About The Author
Rosanna Gonzales Rosanna Gonzales is a Hispanic American Christian woman she grew up in San Bernardino, California. Mother of 5 beautiful children. A passionate advocate and activist for homeschooling, Pro-Life movement, and America. Constitutional Conservative Patriot and Business Owner. She attended The Rock Bible College. Gonzales has worked with children and young people as a Sunday school teacher for five years, Youth and College Leader for ten years with Calvary Chapel churches. Member of California GOP, Member of American Center for Law and Justice, Former Member of Home school Legal Defense Association, Member of California State PTA. California State Lead of MAGA Girls. She loves writing, studying the Bible and politics. If you enjoyed the article and would like to see more, become a member or donate to the RNHA today! The Republican National Hispanic Assembly is a not for profit organization. We are an independent media institution funded by small donors. We depend on you to continue to produce quality content.