Michelle Sabino appointed to GT City Council

Michelle Sabino appointed to GT City Council
May 19, 2024 Comments Off on Michelle Sabino appointed to GT City Council Local Politics, RNHA News Articles Robert Cross

Republican National Hispanic Assembly’s Western Regional Director, Michelle Sabino won the Grand Terrace for city council this past week securing the position of Councilwoman. Michelle Sabino is a graduate of Loma Linda University and a mother who began advocating for families when legislation removed the medical exemption from less than 1% of fragile children in California under SB 276. She is also the Co-Founder of Hope Cultural Non-Profit Organization which provides mentoring for youths and adults in underprivileged communities. 

Since her early advocacy efforts, she has become a strong Republican leader working with the RNC and Republican National Hispanic Assembly. Michelle Sabino is dedicated to improving the quality of life of the people of Grand Terrace by increasing job opportunities, improving the city’s infrastructure, empowering the community, and working with law enforcement to improve public safety. 

Her experience in securing funding, and implementing and overseeing policy development makes her successful in her position.  She dedicated her career to helping youth and adults who fall through the cracks in our society. Michelle Sabino is a small business owner with over 30 years of experience in community service and public policy. Sabino is a voice for the voiceless, and an advocate for those who are forgotten and left behind. Throughout her long and distinguished career, she proved a capable and strong leader. 

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly extends our heartfelt congratulations to Michelle Sabino. Sabino’s dedication to the community, the youth, and America makes her the ideal candidate for this role.  A true patriot Sabino will rise to the challenge and bring new growth and development to Grand Terrace, California. The Grand Terrace City Council is lucky to have such a talented individual join their ranks. Councilwoman Sabino will continue to work with the same level of hard work and dedication as Councilwoman that she brings to everything that she does. Grand Terrance is in great hands.

About The Author
Robert Cross Robert Cross is Spaniard and Cuban on his mother’s side. He started his career in public service serving in local ministries that provided education assistance to K-12 students in San Bernardino County, and work rehabilitation for ex-convicts, veterans, disabled individuals and refugees. He has been published in Borgen Project Magazine, Borgen Project Blog, RNHA News. Robert Cross earned a Master’s degree in Public Policy and International Affairs from Liberty University and a Bachelors degree in History from California State University of San Bernardino.