Reason For Abortion? Not What You Expect!
By: Ariel Fierro
May 21, 2019

The illustration of the Left being an elite force of protecting children through gun reform and abolishing ICE is very deceiving when it comes to the termination of a child within the womb. According to Bernie Sanders, Vermont Senator, somehow abortion is a constitutional right despite the fact that the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly address abortion. In addition to pro-choice supporters declaring “my body my choice” have not had the chance to read what is written when it comes to the value of life within Biblical scripture.
Pro-choice advocates waste no time in demonizing those who have an opposing view. They lead with personal intentions and defense mechanisms (i.e., mocking) rather than give out factual information to show why their belief is a given right amongst the rest. The stance that they constantly push for is when a woman is raped and is with child, should that woman go forth with the pregnancy or have the abortion without the constant reminder of the event? Being in a situation such as this is not overlooked by those who are pro-life, in fact, there are organizations that assist women in these situations (rape and incest), even helping minors at the very same.
“The state of Florida records a reason for every abortion that occurs within its borders," come to find that out of the 70,083 abortions in 2018 only 0.01% were from an incestuous relationship, 0.14% women were raped, and 75.4% had no reason. If pro-choice supporters want abortions to be included as health care, then be known that healthcare is the provision of medical care, not for those who continue a cycle of fornication. Furthermore, President Reagan declared Emancipation Proclamation of Preborn Children on January 14, 1988, by proclaiming and declaring “the unalienable personhood of every American, from the moment of conception until natural death."
As the reader, you are a living being, made up of cells with blood running through your veins, and having a breath of life. Of course one would say “my body my choice” so how come the very being whose within the womb that’s made up of cells with blood running through their own veins (and breathing) cannot have that same thing of “my body my choice”?
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About the Author:
Ariel Fierro began her path in politics as a student ambassador for Turning Point USA, PragerU, and Christians United For Israel during her senior year at YES Prep East End Campus in Houston, TX. She was lead intern for Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s campaign, Texas Regional Leader for Faith & Freedom Coalition, and a field director for the Fierro For Texas campaign. During her free time, she choreographs & performs for a dance company. She is co-director of a dance non-profit organization and mentors high school students for Shespoke organization. Ariel has earned her associates degree in Biology with Clinical Laboratory Specialization.