RNHA Florida Provides Aid to PR Earthquake Victims
Santiago Avila Jr, the Chairman of RNHA Florida took a team from RNHA Florida to provide aid to the People of Guanica, Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has been suffering from large Earthquakes and the territory has been devastated. Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans have been displaced. RNHA Florida collected 500 lbs of donations which include diapers, wipes, wipes, adult diapers, canned and boxed food, blankets, hygiene items, first aid kits, flashlights, batteries, battery-operated radios, bibles, tampons and pads, toys, coloring books, crayons, and hand sanitizer. These donations may not seem like very much it is a great help to those families that lost everything during this trying time.

RNHA Florida worked with the local government to identify the people in the area that had the most need to distribute the aid to. One such family is seen in the clip above being interviewed by RNHA Florida. The woman in the clip is a mother and is living behind the truck on two mattresses with her children. This family is just one example of the people that the Republican National Hispanic Assembly Florida is helping with their outreach. Thousands of people have been left homeless, without food and access to hygiene because of the devastating earthquakes that ravaged Puerto Rico.
RNHA Florida has collected an additional 600lbs of donations to bring to aid the people of Puerto Rico for their next trip. They will be going back to Puerto Rico at the end of this month to continue their work. The people of Puerto Rico have suffered greatly but our hearts are with them. If you want to donate to RNHA Florida’s efforts to help the people after these devastating earthquakes click here and mark it for Puerto Rico.