Tag: Congress

Progressive Policies Hurt Impoverished Americans
June 8, 2022 Op-Ed,RNHA News Articles Paul Lott

A Simple Example Imagine a town where the baker made twelve loaves of bread a week. Ten of the loaves were sold each week to ten workers from the town factory who earned four dollars per week each. They all felt they were paying a fair price and happily paid it.   The town happened

Inflation Is Only Part of the Problem
May 30, 2022 Economy,RNHA News Articles Paul Lott

The economic pain of everyday Americans is much worse than the inflation number. Inflation is a measure of the overall increase in the prices of goods or services across our economy. This means that the dollar is losing value. The bottom line is the same money buys less and less. The government estimates the rate

The RNHA Endorses Yvette Herrell
March 18, 2022 Endorsements,Local Politics,Press Releases,RNHA News Articles RNHA Endorsement

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly endorses Yvette Herrell for the U.S House of Representatives in New Mexico’s District 2. Herrell is an extremely talented New Mexican who, since her time in Congress, has been a member of the Committee on Natural Resources and the Committee on Oversight and Reform. Herrell also serves on the National

October 3, 2021 Local Politics,Op-Ed,RNHA News Articles Sean Hartman

I was pondering all day today as to how I wanted my first essay to be as an RNHA contributing writer. Forgive me for using that word “essay,” as I’m sure it sparks some unpleasant college experiences (or perhaps pleasant ones, if you, like myself, enjoy writing), but I feel that would best describe the

RNHA Endorses Anthony Sabatini For Congress In Florida
March 17, 2021 Endorsements RNHA Endorsement

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly is excited to endorse Mr. Anthony Sabatini for United States Congress for the Sunshine State of Florida. As the Country’s largest Republican Hispanic Organization, we know that Mr. Sabatini will work hard for the families of his district.  Mr. Sabatini’s relentless voice in favor of the everyday American is second

RNHA National Endorses Debbie Lesko for Congresswoman in Arizona’s 8th District
August 12, 2020 Endorsements RNHA Endorsement

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly is proud to endorse Debbie Lesko for Congress in Arizona’s 8th congressional district. In 2018, Debbie Lesko was sworn in as a Congresswoman in the U.S House of Representatives after winning the special election. Lesko serves on the House Judiciary Committee, The House Rues Committee and the Homeland Security Committee.

The RNHA Endorses Sia Lo For Congress in Minnesota’s 4th District
July 26, 2020 Endorsements RNHA Endorsement

  The Republican National Hispanic Assembly is proud to endorse Sia Lo for Congressman in Minnesota ‘s 4th district. Sia Lo is a survivor for the Secret War and an accomplished conservative candidate. Sia is married with four children and lives in White Bear Lake.  He graduated from Johnson Senior High with top honors in

The RNHA Endorses Dan Rodimer For Congress In Nevada District 3
March 8, 2020 Endorsements,RNHA News Articles RNHA NEWS

The RNHA is proud to endorse Dan Rodimer for Nevada’s Congressional District 3. Dan Rodimer is a fighter who knows how to take a punch and keep on fighting. That is what we need in office, fighters. Dan Rodimer is a great example of what a leader should be. He is authentic, driven and involved

The Equality Act Debunks What We Fought For
June 2, 2019 Business,Constitution,Faith,Latest,RNHA News Articles Ariel Fierro

The Equality Act Debunks What We Fought For By: Ariel Fierro May 31, 2019 The ideology of letting Americans “be free to be themselves” to what society now accepts heads into the direction of interfering with others own rights. The Equality Act, H.R. 5, is the beacon of what is yet to come if this