Tag: Police

New York Passes Qualified Immunity Law
June 23, 2021 RNHA News Articles Diane Rivera López

A recent local law passed by the New York City Council causes great concern among police officers, community leaders, and local officials. The introduction of legislation #2220-a-21 passed on March 25, 2021, is currently awaiting the Mayor’s signature, who undoubtedly will sign it. The actions of the current mayoral administration have continuously harmed the citizens

Police Deflection: Another Reason to Defend the Police
September 10, 2020 Latest,RNHA News Articles RNHA NEWS

Conversations regarding police are at an all-time high as the liberal left continues to push their delusive agenda. Contrary to media portrayal, police departments often drive police diversion programs and legislation that promote public safety and aim to keep individuals out of the criminal justice system. These types of police diversion programs include deflection (often