Tag: Venezuela

American Elections Deja Vu
January 5, 2023 RNHA News Articles Jennifer Barreto-Leyva

Watching the last U.S. elections closely, I feared they were a rehearsal for the Venezuelan elections. Since we live in tyranny, we vote, but have no true choice. In a tyranny, a single person chooses who wins, in this case, Nicolás Maduro, and they make sure to create a “legal” illegal system, so solid, so

Joe Biden, the King of Naysayers
July 31, 2022 RNHA News Articles Jennifer Barreto-Leyva

For months, the democrats refused to see the chaos and danger Joe Biden is to the United States. Millions of us warned for months about the disaster is happening now. They just chose not to listen. The warnings were nationwide and worldwide.  A wide group of Venezuelans warned for a long time about the possible

Maduro’s and His Globalist Godfathers at the UN
January 17, 2020 International Affairs,News Column,RNHA News Articles Juan Vega

“Maduro receives a chair bathed in blood” Amid cries of opposition and worldwide discontent, Nicolas Maduro’s regime received on 17 October 2019, the official appointment to fill the vacant chair on the UN Human Rights Council, a place left by Cuba.  No one would better describe this shameful decision of the UN General Assembly than