Diane Rivera Lopez
National Assistant Secretary and Adminstrative Director
Diane Rivera López was born and raised in the heart of Midtown Manhattan. As an American – Puerto Rican herextended family has nowgrown into 9different Nationalities. Her calling into Ministry began in 1996, where she became Secretary, Deacon, and Bible School Teacher. She then became a director and writer in TrumpetTract Ministry, where thousands of tracts were printed and sent across several Nations. She is a community activist and has served as a community chaplain and evangelist, she has coordinated events,conferences, and outreach services and has taught atprisons and rehabilitation programs. As a speaker she has been interviewed by national T.V programs and news networks as she also had her own T.V Program for several years. As a speaker for domestic violence, she works towards creating awareness and sharing her own powerful testimony. She has worked in several recognized ministries such as Christian Radio Vision International, Christian Children’s Parade,Súbete al Arca Christian Magazine,Redemption Awards,The Christian University and Alerta T.V Network Channel 463 Verizon.
Her greatest accomplishment is said to be her experiences and revelations ranging from the Millennium, the Rapture, and the Kingdom of God and has presently published her first book in 2023, The Scepter of Our Times, whom she shares chapters with 11 other writer’s and wrote the Introduction, for the Mordecai Mission Organization who spearheaded the book and where she serves as Co-Chairwoman of Communications. She studied Communications at BMCC and has credits towards her bachelor’s in theology. Following a passion to write, she has written 10 blogs and is a columnist for Al Rojo News, a secular newspaper. In 2013, she was the Deputy Campaign Manager for Mayoral Candidate Erick Salgado, who ran as a Conservative in NY, leaving her position as County Committee Member for the Democratic Party. Her devotion to Conservative Principals has catapulted her to join the National Republican Hispanic Assembly as a Journalist since 2019 and is presently bestowed with the privilege and responsibility to be the State & Press Secretary for the RNHA of N.Y.