The RNHA Endorses Marjorie Taylor Greene
The Republican National Hispanic Assembly is proud to Endorse Marjorie Talyor Greene as Georgia Congresswoman for district 14. Marjorie Taylor Greene currently serves in the House Of Representatives and fights daily to protect our freedoms. Congresswoman Taylor has been admittedly opposed to the lies that Fauci spread during the Pandemic.
She strongly supports the traditional family, the second amendment, and the right to life and is against the radical indoctrination that the left is pushing in schools. Congresswoman Greene continues to fight for the American people every day and has a proven track record of introducing and passing legislation that protects our God-given natural rights. Recently she introduced three amendments to the equality act that protects women’s rights and the rights of the unborn. One of these amendments prevents men from participating in women’s sports. It also protects churches’ tax exemption and allows individuals and organizations to bring lawsuits against the government for violating first amendment rights.
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is an examplar Congresswoman who has long served the interests of her district, her state, and the American people. For her courage, hard work, and dedication to the American people the Republican National Hispanic Assembly is asking you to join us in voting for her this November.