The RNHA Endorse Regina Mauro for Congress
The Republican National Hispanic Assembly is proud to endorse Regina Mauro for Congress. Regina Mauro is a patriot, American-First Mother, Pro-Life advocate, and constitutional conservative.
Regina Mauro is the daughter of a Cuban immigrant who chose to immigrate to America to escape the cold, and oppressive dictatorship in Cuba. She is the proud mother of two young boys and a wife. Unlike the career politicians in Washington D.C, she started her career in business.
Bussines is by far Mauro’s strong suit. She got hired by a Fortune 1000 company during a major expansion and her excellent performance got her notice by her employers. Eventually, she was transferred to the corporate office where she lead a major expansion into Latin America. After a long and successful career, she decided to get her master’s degree and start her own business. As both a small business owner and a successful fortune 1000 businesswoman she has the skills needed to get this nation back on track and grow the economy.
The Republican National Hispanic Assembly is asking that you all join us in voting for Regina Mauro. Our nation is suffering under the crushing weight of Biden Economics and needs leaders like Mauro. We need people in office who will work hard to bring prosperity and jobs back to America. Please vote for Regina Mauro in her upcoming election Congress.