Category: Latest

Urgent “First Step Act” needs your support!
December 7, 2018 Latest,Local Politics,RNHA News Articles Admin

Remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering… Hebrews 13:3″   WHY WE SUPPORT THE FIRST STEP ACT If you observe most Americans’ behavior lately, you will notice that people are usually divided on almost every political issue. Yet,

George H.W. Bush, Hispanics & Trump
December 5, 2018 History,Latest,RNHA News Articles RNHA NEWS

Today we regret to inform you all that President George H.W Bush, founder of the RNHA has passed away. George Bush and Ronald Reagan saw the value of reaching out to the Hispanic community and founded the Republican National Hispanic Assembly. We extend our condolences to his family as they mourn. President George H.W. Bush

Central American Caravan Crisis
October 20, 2018 International Affairs,Latest,RNHA News Articles Ariel Rivera

There is chaos at the Mexican border as the Central American Caravan reaches the nation of Mexico. Despite President Trump’s threats of cutting foreign aid to El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, asylum seekers continued their way to the United States. According to a New York Post report, Mexican authorities clashed with multiple people at its