Tag: Republican National Hispanic Assembly

Trump injured at Rally in Pennsylvania
July 13, 2024 Latest,Local Politics,RNHA News Articles Robert Cross

Today Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump got shot and injured while speaking at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Secret Service agents rushed to the stage and got him off the stage. Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump in defiance of the Shooter raised his hand and the crowd shouted “USA”.  The Associated Press just released

RNHA Visit to Washington, DC
May 9, 2024 RNHA News Articles Diane Rivera López

As our nation is facing intricate challenges, geopolitical tensions persist and a heated election season is among in response, The Republican National Hispanic Assembly strategized and interconnected with different chapter leaders and board members in Washington, D.C.  Navigating these challenges requires a concerted effort to promote dialogue, action ,and planning to better equip the RNHA,

Donald J. Trump visits Bodega in Harlem
May 9, 2024 RNHA News Articles Diane Rivera López

On Abril 16, 2024 an epic moment took place in the neighborhood of Hamilton Heights, a part of Northern Harlem, NY, surprised to receive a visit from our past President and now Candidate Donald J. Trump. Accompanied by many Secret Agents and strong support from the N.Y.P.D, our former President showed once again to be

RNHA Attends NY State GOP Dinner
April 26, 2024 Latest,Local Politics,RNHA News Articles Diane Rivera López

The Republican National Hispanic Assembly was honored to participate in this year’s NY State GOP Dinner at the Hilton Hotel in Manhattan, NY on April 4, 2024. Some Speakers present were Former RNC Chairman Ed Cox and New Chairman Mike Whatley. Our new Chairman Paul Rodriguez represented the RNHA-NY accompanied by Angel Cepeda – Senior

Victoria Garica Wins San Fernando City Council Race
April 20, 2024 Local Politics,Op-Ed,RNHA News Articles Robert Cross

RNHA-CA ambassador Victoria Garica won the San Fernando City Council position in a special election on Super Tuesday. Garica won the election with 41.6% of the vote against Syliva Ballin who had 32.6% and Sean M. Rivas who had 25.8%. At the end of Super Only 29% of eligible voters voted in the election for

U.S Government Sanctions Chinese Hackers
April 9, 2024 International Affairs,RNHA News Articles Robert Cross

The DOJ issued a press release issuing sanctions on seven Chinese hackers accused for espionage. The defendants are Ni Gaobin, Weng Ming, Cheng Feng, Peng Yaowen, Sun Xiaohui, Xiong, who reside in the People’s Republic of China and are part of APT31. APT31 is a group of hackers with ties to the Chinese Ministry of

Taiwan-China Conflict Heats Up
April 4, 2024 International Affairs,RNHA News Articles Robert Cross

The China-Taiwan conflict is heating up in the South China Sea. According to France 24, The Taipei Defense Ministry announced on Friday they spotted a record number of Chinese military aircraft surrounding the Island. On Thursday,  Thirty-Two Chinese military aircraft were detected in Taiwanese airspace. Since, the Taiwanese elections in 2016 China has been sending

Trump Leads in the Republican Primaries
March 21, 2024 Latest,Local Politics,Op-Ed,RNHA News Articles Robert Cross

Former President Donald Trump won the Republican primaries in a landslide. Thus far the only state that Nikki Haley has won is Vermont. According to NPR, Trump won 1249 delegates to Haley’s 94 delegates. Former President Donald Trump won 14 out of the 15 states that held their primaries on Super Tuesday. If Trump continues