RNHA – NY Chapter MAGA

RNHA – NY Chapter MAGA
August 25, 2018 No Comments » RNHA News Articles Admin

RNHA – NY Chapter MAGA Movement

By RNHA | August 24, 2018


The New York Chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly is embarking on the most ambitious agenda for the MAGA movement. To Make NY Red Again. Frank Gonzalez, NY State Chairman of the RNHA has set out on probably the most difficult battles of the Trump 2020 agenda. Out of all the states to turn red, Gonzalez has been destined to turn the tide of the “Blue Wave” in New York. Many prominent Democrats have frequently sneered at any mention of the “Red Wave” in the mainstream media. It is the same pundits that were quick to dismiss Patriot groups in 2016, when candidate Trump set out to topple the Clinton political machine, that were left crying (literally) on live television on the night of the most historic election in history.

Gonzalez, is a young Latino Republican from New York and has no fear in going against the mainstream media’s disinformation campaign to discredit any minority that boldly asserts they are Republican and Proud. Gonzalez constantly attends local rallies and is vocal against both Democrats and leftist groups like ANTIFA. Following the “America First” agenda and the fiery debate style of President Trump, Gonzalez has been quick to gain momentum in the NY Republican scene. Constantly creating social events for Trump supporters at local bars or more serious endeavors like his “March 4 Trump” Rally at City Hall, the young Chairman has gained the attention of many politicians looking for grassroots support and volunteers from his newly RNHA membership.



Gonzalez’s message is simple. To Make NY Great Again. The ultimate goal is putting New York’s interest’s first over party politics and corruption. The same tired Democratic socialist agenda that has failed many cities like Chicago and Detroit is now being implemented by Governor Cuomo in New York. The constant persecution of Republicans and more severely Trump supporters has led Gonzalez to begin his own movement with the help and support of the RNHA. Since it’s foundation in 1967 the RNHA has achieved White House support and RNC collaborations. The NY State Chairman follows the same path but with a twist. Boldness. Nothing and nobody can stop his freedom of speech as he faces off against the liberal frenzies of NY and the Democrat political monsters of the New York swamp.

To join the New York Chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly “You don’t have to be Hispanic, You just have to love America” says Gonzalez in a Facebook live stream. The young social media expert is constantly creating memes, content and engaging with his followers over Facebook and Twitter. To learn more about how to join the NY MAGA movement email him at RNHANYC@gmail.com


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