Tag: republican

Focus on Feelings is Destroying America
May 30, 2022 Economy,Op-Ed,RNHA News Articles Paul Lott

When I decided to run for Congress in Virginia’s 10th District, I was not prepared for much of what I have encountered. I left the race because I thought it more important to continue the fight for parent’s rights, but I took a major lesson from politics.  Feelings are destroying America. I said it. The

RNHA Interviews Bianca Matthews for County Clerk
April 5, 2022 Latest,Local Politics,News Column,RNHA News Articles Robert Cross

Tonight I interview Bianca Matthews for County Clerk for Jim Wells County Texas. What is your background? I’m 33 years old born and raised in Jim Wells County, the only daughter of Guadalupe Soto. A wife and mother of 4 wonderful children and I’m the first in my family and community to seek office, this

A Race for the Lifeline of New York
June 18, 2021 Local Politics,Op-Ed,RNHA News Articles Diane Rivera López

As New Yorker’s race for a lifeline of survival in these prevalent times, only a miracle can help them dig New York of the hell hole that it fell in. Since 2014, the start of a mayoral win by Bill DeBlasio, the citizens of New York are left standing out in the field hoping DeBlasio

Why America is Built by Conservatives
March 6, 2021 Latest,Op-Ed,RNHA News Articles Lillian Frei

Conservatives value personal agency as the right for every person to be true to their beliefs and accountable for their actions. The keystone to conservatism is the belief that people should be held accountable for their actions. It is the core reason we support platforms that prioritize strengthening the family unit, value hard work, and

Inteview with Joey Tiano for NM State Senate
February 25, 2020 Local Politics,RNHA News Articles Robert Cross

I interviewed Joey Tiano, a candidate for state senate district 39 in New Mexico. Joy Tiano is a fourth-generation New Mexican whose grandparents fled from socialism in Italy in 1895. He joined the NM State Police in 1982 and had a successful career in law enforcement leading to him retiring as a Sergeant and Senior

Remember the Heartbeat Bill
September 19, 2019 Local Politics,RNHA News Articles Rosanna Gonzales

In May of this year, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed the Heartbeat Bill into law. Remembering that Governor Kemp stated, “Georgia is a state that values life. Georgia has led the fight in the antiabortion movement sparking outrage with actress and women rights activist Alyssa Milano and 50 other celebrities who took a letter to

Op-Ed: What Happened to Respect?
August 28, 2019 Constitution,Latest,Local Politics,RNHA News Articles,Trump,Uncategorized Ariel Fierro

Whatever Happened to Respect? By: Ariel Fierro August 26, 2019 Respect seems to be thrown out the window along with dignity and common sense within this time of age, where it is desired yet not given. Democratic state senator from Illinois came under fire after photos were posted onto Twitter where supporters at a fundraising

An Interview with Kelli Ward
July 20, 2019 Local Politics,RNHA News Articles Monica Yelin

Our very own Monica Yelin interviewed Kelli Ward about major conservative issues facing Arizona’s conservative movement. Keil Ward is the Chair of the Arizona Republican Party. Q. AZ is booming thanks to our conservative leaders. We need to keep it that way. Your thoughts? A.  Arizona and our party are always strongest when our leaders

The RNHA Endorses Wendy Pepe for Tampa City Council
February 26, 2019 Endorsements,Latest RNHA Endorsement

  Tampa City, Florida- The Republican National Hispanic Assembly is proud to endorse Wendy Pepe for the position of Tampa Bay City Councilor for District 6. Wendy Pepe is a successful small businesswoman who is uniquely situated to understand the concerns and needs of Tampa Bay’s business community. District 6 has the largest contingency of