Interview With Mayra Flores

Interview With Mayra Flores
April 22, 2021 Comments Off on Interview With Mayra Flores Local Politics, RNHA News Articles RNHA NEWS

Tonight I interviewed Mayra Flores, a candidate running for Congress in Texas’ 34th congressional district on winning on the American idea

Why are you Running For Office? 

I am running for a better future for the people and children of South Texas. 

Democrats have long felt entitled to the Latino vote with little to show in return.  I plan to change that and earn their vote so I can start fighting for economic success, protection of the unborn, expand our output of oil & gas while seeking new technology for clean energy, increasing educational resources, and updating our crumbling infrastructure. 

Why Now? 

The Democrat Party is no longer recognizable. The Democrat Party stands against our American and Conservative values. Their mindset is no longer pro-America and no longer putting first the well-being and safety of Americans. 

What is your Compelling Cause?

My priority is the defense of life and family. A society that does not defend life and family is destined to fail. Pro-life, economic reform to entice more businesses to flourish and attract new industries, protecting our vital oil & gas industry, agriculture, and backing our first responders. In addition, we have seen the poverty rate rise in the district and the education system falter due to inadequate resources. Once we are able to maintain our residents through finishing school, attending college, trade school, and apprenticeships will be vital to growing our district’s economic backbone. 

What are Some Ideas you have to Increase Economic Opportunity for Your district? 

Texas is the 10th largest economy in the world. Cutting red tape for our local businesses and industries will expand the capacity they are able to produce, manufacture, grow agricultural foods, foster more trade and new technological breakthroughs. Attracting new innovative platforms and programs to court these businesses will be paramount to expanding the potential growth for our district. In addition, much of our infrastructure is outdated and needs improvement which would provide thousands of jobs across the district. 

What is the Best Way You Know to Empower People Lead in their Neighborhoods? 

Empowerment starts with opportunity. We have seen the opportunities start to diminish over time with overregulation. Our churches, local organizations, and citizens should have more access to their locally elected officials so the people can enact change with a true partner that cares from the bottom to the top. Again fostering education, trade schools, civic engagement, community events, and solutions to the issues versus nowhere to turn is the right path forward. 

Do You Have Some Ideas of the Areas Where You Would Want to Reduce Federal Government Spending?

The omnibus spending in these bloated democrat spending bills are counterproductive and work against the American people’s future. By cutting excess spending on foreign aid, letting the state manage more programs that they should have authority over, and diverting resources to our tax-laying citizens would be the first start. 

Would You be in Favor of Further Tax Reform? Including Reducing the Corporate Rate, so that America Stays Competitive and Leads on the World Stage?

I am in favor of reducing taxes and regulations so more businesses come to Texas and not leave due to inflated taxes and regulations. When the government is out of the way and the private sector creates flourishes we naturally see more jobs and the per capita wages increase. We have seen millions of jobs lost in decades time and that trend will continue unless we combat that with incentives to buy American and sell American goods across the states and globally more competitively. 

What does the American Idea mean to you? 

The American dream is the beacon of light across the globe of freedom and success for those who want it. We the people have crafted a constitution that must be defended at all cost against radical elements that would alter it for personal gain. Having been born in Mexico and legally migrating and working the fields, obtaining my degree and now fighting on the front lines of Covid-19 show that the dream is alive and well. I am proud to be a citizen of the greatest nation on earth and I believe we need to keep showing that we all have the chance at success and the pursuit of happiness. 

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