The Human Trafficking Crisis in Mexico Is Real

The Human Trafficking Crisis in Mexico Is Real
August 14, 2019 No Comments » International Affairs, RNHA News Articles Robert Cross

One of the most prominent arguments against building the wall is that there is not a crisis at the U.S.-Mexico Border. The mainstream media continues the narrative that the Trump administration fabricated the crisis to fund the Wall. Nothing could be further from the truth. Approximately 30 million individuals are the victims of human trafficking globally every year. According to the U. N. Global Report on Trafficking in Persons between 2007-2016, the number of human trafficking victims globally increased by 67%.  Approximately 72% of all human trafficking victims are women and young girls. Women and young girls are primarily trafficked for sexual servitude.  In the Central American and Caribbean subregion, these young girls, are trafficked for sexual exposition, which is the most prevalent form of human trafficking in the region.

The United States Department of State classifies Mexico as a tier 2 nation on its human trafficking tier list. Tier 2 nations are not in full compliance with the TVPA but are making progress toward meeting their TVPA goals. The U. S  Trafficking in Persons Report 2018 identified Mexico as a source, transit, and destination nation for human trafficking. According to the report, there has been a 64% decrease in identifying human trafficking victims in Mexico since 2015. At least 35,000 people have disappeared in Mexico between the years 2006-2017 with approximately 15,300 of the victims being women and minors. According to the Council of the Americas, about 51% of all human trafficking victims in Central America are underage girls and represent the second-highest rate of child trafficking in the world.  Unfortunately, approximately 57% of all human trafficking victims in Central America are, in fact, sex trafficking victims.

It is important to note that one of the primary destinations of human trafficking victims from Mexico is the United States of America. According to the Neal Davis Law firm, 79,000 children and minors are sex trafficked in Texas each year, and 1/4 of all young people who are trafficked are forced into sexual servitude. This law firm also stated that the Statewide Human Trafficking Mapping Project of Texas indicated that 234,000 adults were trafficked for forced labor. The majority of these individuals have been trafficked either from Mexico or through the U.S.-Mexico border. Human trafficking amounts to  6.6 billion dollars annually each year for the State of Texas, and human traffickers make 600 million dollars in profit from their illegal slave trade. Every day the U. S.-Mexico border remains unsecured we are allowing these slavers to profit off the rape, forced labor, and sexual exploitation of these women and children.

About The Author
Robert Cross Robert Cross is Spaniard and Cuban on his mother’s side. He started his career in public service serving in local ministries that provided education assistance to K-12 students in San Bernardino County, and work rehabilitation for ex-convicts, veterans, disabled individuals and refugees. He has been published in Borgen Project Magazine, Borgen Project Blog, RNHA News. Robert Cross earned a Master’s degree in Public Policy and International Affairs from Liberty University and a Bachelors degree in History from California State University of San Bernardino.

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