RNHA Endorses Anthony Sabatini For Congress In Florida
The Republican National Hispanic Assembly is excited to endorse Mr. Anthony Sabatini for United States Congress for the Sunshine State of Florida. As the Country’s largest Republican Hispanic Organization, we know that Mr. Sabatini will work hard for the families of his district.
Mr. Sabatini’s relentless voice in favor of the everyday American is second to none. The fact that Mr. Sabatini believes in “Equal Opportunity” over “Equal Outcome” sets him apart from the rest.
Mr. Sabatini has consistently stood apart from the others while in the Florida House of Representatives. He has from the beginning expressed a willingness to serve all Americans. We have heard Mr. Sabatini and we are delighted that he is a breath of fresh air! A person of, for, and by the People vs a smooth-talking politician. His knowledge of the Constitution is something that isn’t seen very often anymore. His commitment to God, Family, and Country is honorable – for these reasons, we are honored to endorse him without any reservation. He will receive our full support and the full strengthening of our Florida State Chapter that stands over 14,000 strong! The Florida State Chairman, Santiago Avila, Jr. will be making Mr. Sabatini’s Campaign one of the States Priorities!